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艺术展2022|征稿 | 2022·千岛湖国际光影艺术双年展

2022-11-19 00:06:49 发表






Light is immateriality and untouchable, but the technology of the digital age has given it more connotations. With its many shapes and forms, it has a wide scope for use as an artistic medium, enabling artworks of all shapes and forms to be presented. It is an exemplary combination of art and technology. Some have even asserted that 'light' will become one of the dominant art forms in the future.

"The beauty of time just flows on day and night." We regard the light as an entry point and invite artists to create artworks. The "Light and Shadow" is a "light and shadow" that begins with light and hides in light.

We hope that the artists will combine their personal creativity with local culture through the artistic language of "light", integrate it into the underwater space of the Yue Guang Island in Qiandao Lake, so as to enhance the brand value of the "Light and Shadow Art Exhibition" and further promote the development of the cultural industry in Qiandao Lake, achieve the integration of art, culture and economy. Thus, we will strive to develop the project into a highly interactive and famous art festival .



Qiandao Lake is located in the western suburb of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, in Chun'an County。 It is one of the first 44 national scenic spots announced by the State Council, and is also the largest national forest park in China。It is an artificial lake formed by damming water for the construction of the Xin'an River Hydropower Station in 1959。 It is known as the "Thousand Islands and Green Water as A Painting" because of its green mountains, beautiful water, strange caves and rocks。The lake covers an area of 573 square kilometres, with 1,078 islands of different sizes, an average water depth of 34 metres and visibility of 9-14 metres, and is a national-level water body。

It was praised by Mu Qing, the former president of Xinhua News Agency, as "the most beautiful water in the world"。The lake is divided into five major areas, namely the northeast, southeast, northwest, southwest and centre。 The lake is characterised by blue waves, thousands of islands, mountains, deep gorges, streams, caves and rocks, a wide variety of biological resources, cultural relics and rich local products。


一、创作关键词/ Keywords




“Building a Community of Life Together For Man and Nature”

· 分主题/Sub-themes



· 镜湖澄澈(空间水文)


Clearing of the Lake as Mirror (Spatial Hydrology)

Taking the lake and mountains as a medium and light and shadow as a mirror, the underwater historical landscape of Qiandao Lake is presented, and the lighting of the lake is achieved by revealing the invisible in physical and historical conditions through the mirror of the clarity of Qiandao Lake: the aesthetic characteristics of water and light/shadow in artistic creation - the visibility and invisibility.

· 岛光潋滟(在地文化)


Island Light Is Brimming (Local Culture)

Brimming is taken from the poet Fang Gan' Yu Xiu Cai Xiao Chi' from Tang Dynasty and Fang comes from Chun'an: 'A vast body of water is brimming and lighting again'. This section revolves around the local culture of Chun'an and Qiandao Lake, and the related works can be placed on islands. The local landscape of Qiandao Lake will be presented by light and shadow in summer.

· 星桥锁光(科技探索)


Bridges and Gathered Lights under the Stars (Exploring Technology)

According to the German philosopher Martin Heidegger, in the context of modern technology, man and the world are placed and dominated within it. It is only through poetry (art) and thinking (thought) that we can truly approach things and gain 'insight'; it is through 'beauty' that the obscured truths are revealed. The works of this section, through the artistic exploration of water/light and the latest technologies such as 5G, drones, intelligent transmission and interactive technology, present the 'thought' of light and shadow in artistic creation. The word 'light' here refers to both light and shadow, the light that art brings to technology, and beauty.

· 独岛澄谧(自然社会)


Silence of the Lonely Island (Nature and Society)

This section shows the 'gathering' role of water and light and shadow, focusing on works that can express the atmosphere of sound at night, ultimately blending light, shadow and water with natural and artificial sounds to express that No Man Is An Island. Ultimately, it highlights the audiovisual and social character of light and shadow in arts.

· 心光澄怀(艺术境界)


Purifying the Mind with Lights (The State of Art)


From the Eastern Jin Dynasty onwards, Chinese has developed an aesthetic way of purifying one's mind and experiencing Tao."Purifying your mind", let your feelings and thoughts clear up and experience the Tao in the landscape. Calming down by lights, "to see where there is the deepest obscurity; to hear where there is no sound" (Zhuangzi); "the few bright hearts and minds are shining, containing the emptiness and reflecting nature" (Zhitun), resulting in "Xujing" (Laozi).Ultimately, by combining with Qiandao Lake and the mountains, exploring the language of oriental art through light and shadow or other technical medium, Qiandao Lake is infused with the oriental spirit.



Exhibition Date and Place

展览开幕时间/ Opening Date:

2022年4月28日/Apr 28th, 2022

展览地点/Exhibition Place


Yue Guang Island,

Qiandao Lake Scenic Spot, Zhejiang


Exhibition Organization





·China Academy of Art

·Chun'an County People's Government of Zhejiang Province







·The School of Sculpture and Public Art, China Academy of Art

·Chun’an County Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau

·Chun'an Qiandao Lake Tourism Group Co., Ltd.

·Zhejiang Qiandao Lake Tourism Co., Ltd

·China-French Cultural and Artistic Platform



Curatorial Institution:

·Public Space Art Department of the School of Sculpture and Public Art,China Academy of Art




泰国Silpakorn University美术学院




荷兰Willem de kooning美术学院Stadslab研究所




·Centre for Public Art Research, Berlin, Germany

·Japan International Performance Art Festival Organizing Committee

·School of Fine Arts,Silpakorn University,Thailand

·NYU Shanghai

·PSG Art Museum of Thailand

·Willem de kooning Academy of Fine Arts, The Netherlands

·Dunhuang Contemporary Art Centre

·Hangzhou branch of China Mobile Communications Group Zhejiang Co., Ltd

·Institute of Art Engineering and Technology,China Academy of Art

·Hangzhou Zhongyuan Lighting Engineering Co., Ltd

·Hangzhou Baishui Culture and Art Co.,Ltd.





Art Consultant: Prof.Gao Shiming

Dean of China Academy of Art. He is the Deputy Director of the Curatorial Committee of the China Artists' Association, the President of Zhejiang Artists' Association.



Chief Expert: Prof.Yang Qirui,

He is a Special Expert of Zhejiang Province,Deputy Director of Academic Committee,China Academy of Art,sculptor,Vice-Present of Chinese Urban Sculptors Association.



Academic Chair:Prof.Ban Lingsheng

He is a Doctoral supervisor and Dean of the School of Sculpture and Public Art.He is a member of the Sculpture Art Committee of the Chinese Artists Association, Vice Present of the Ninth Zhejiang Artists Association and a member of the Chinese Sculpture Society.


中国美术学院教授,博士生导师,雕塑与公共艺术学院副院长、公共空间艺术系 系主任、艺术工程与科技工作室主任。

Curator:Prof.Zheng Jing

He is a Doctoral supervisor and Vice Dean of the School of Sculpture and Public Art, Head of the Department of Public Space Art and Director of the Art Engineering and Technology Studio.

委员/Committee Member

余晨星 中国美术学院雕塑与公共艺术学院副院长

Yu Chenxing, Vice Dean of the School of Sculpture and Public Art,China Academy of Art .

翁剑青 北京大学艺术学院教授、著名艺术理论家

Weng Jianqing, Professor, Peking University,Art Theorist.
