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中国国际焙烤展览会|食品展会网:Bakery China2022第24届中国国际焙烤展延期举办

2022-12-03 19:04:13 发表

2022年03月28日/食品展会网/ -- 中国国际焙烤展览会(BakeryChina)是服务于焙烤行业全产业链供应链的专业展览会平台,是全球规模领先的焙烤行业盛会中国国际焙烤展览会,也是全球焙烤行业同仁长期信赖的合作伙伴。我们将一如既往为行业提供高质量展会平台服务,希望每一位与会者不虚一行。



Dear exhibitors,visitors, and partners,

In view of the recent COVID-19 situation,to further advance the pandemic prevention and control and to ensure the health and safety of exhibitors and visitors, it’s decided cautiously that Bakery China 2022 (originally scheduled on April 26-29 at Shanghai New International Expo Centre) is rescheduled to September 19-22 at National Exhibition and Convention Center, Shanghai. Exhibition content of Bakery China Autumn 2022 and China Home Baking Show 2022 will be integrated into Bakery China 2022 meanwhile.

We are sorry for the inconvenience to you because of the delay out of the lately pandemic circumstances. We are deeply appreciated to have your kind understanding and support to Bakery China.

Currently all our team are inposition of the preparation of Bakery China 2022 adapted to the new date andvenue. We will work closely with all exhibitors, visitors, and partners to present another successful Bakery China.

We expect to your presence at Bakery China 2022 on September 19-22 at NECC, Shanghai.

For more information please visit our website and our social media accounts.


China Association of Bakery & Confectionery Industry

Bakery China Exhibitions Co., Ltd.

March 2022
