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2022-12-18 00:07:40 发表

2020北京特许加盟展|2020北京连锁加盟展将于2020-4-5在中国国际展览中心举办,期待您的光临!盟享加中国特许加盟展作为品牌与创业投资者双方沟通交流的平台北京中国国际展览中心,一直铭记优秀的连锁加盟品牌是对创业投资者好的保障,并要求每个品牌至少要有两家直营店经营,需要满一年以上,只有这样才能够说明品牌具备扶持创业投资者的能力。盟享加中国特许加盟展致力于打造优秀连锁企业招商平台,为更多创业投资者实现创业梦想。2020年我们厚积薄发,再创辉煌,在此诚邀各连锁品牌共襄盛举北京中国国际展览中心,共享特许加盟带来的亿万商机!全年巡展:2020第56届中国特许加盟展(武汉) 武汉国际博览中心2020第57届中国特许加盟展(北京) 中国国际展览中心2020第58届中国特许加盟展(南京) 南京国际展览中心2020第59届中国特许加盟展(上海) 上海新国际博览中心2020第60届中国特许加盟展(广州) 广州琶洲会展中心2020 Beijing Franchise Exhibition , 2020 Beijing Chain Franchise Exhibition will be held in 2020-4-5 in China International Exhibition Center, look forward to your visit!And require each brand to have at least two direct stores to operate, need to be more than a year, only in this way to show that the brand has the ability to support entrepreneurial investors. The Alliance Henga China Franchise Exhibition is committed to creating an excellent chain business investment platform for more entrepreneurial investors to realize the entrepreneurial dream.In 2020 we thick and thin hair, and create brilliant, in this invite the chain brands to celebrate, share the franchise brought hundreds of millions of business opportunities!Tour ingeniested throughout the year:2020 56th China Franchise Exhibition (Wuhan) Wuhan International Expo Center2020 57th China Franchise Exhibition (Beijing) China International Exhibition Center2020 58th China Franchise Exhibition (Nanjing) Nanjing International Exhibition Center2020 59th China Franchise Exhibition (Shanghai) Shanghai New International Expo Center 2020 60th China Franchise Exhibition (Guangzhou) Guangzhou Zhangzhou Convention and Exhibition Center
