Xi'an Eurasia University
EAaD is a college of art and design affiliated to Xi 'an Eurasia University. Based on the field of art and design, the school applies the process of innovation and strategic problem solving to the fields of media and information communication, products and experience, systems and services, architecture and environment, and cultivates design talents with both experimental innovation ability and professional technical ability. Eide has extensive and in-depth communication and cooperation with academia and industry at home and abroad, making EIDE a locally rooted international design school.
张省会 Zhang Shenghui
《One year》
When the epidemic began to weave a collective memory in the fragmented images of daily life, a kind of emotional tangle of "constant cutting and confusion" was left and right, including loss, panic, anxiety, anger, resistance, aphasia and apathy... The sickle of the virus cuts people's bond of trust again and again, separating individuals from the crowd, and "atomization" has become the normal existence of individuals. Modern life has changed from a vivid connection to an abstract number, hiding in a mass of broken information, calculating unspeakable pain. When people had to wear masks, do nucleic acid, stay at home and so on, they went through several cold days and summers without knowing it. The plague is eating away at our past lives step by step, changing our history.
谢钦 Xie Qin
《make oneself up and go on the stage ll》
This is a set of daily life trivial observation, in the era of image overload, photography, how to do more to express the perspective of individual, independent, whether the medium and ductibility, or it's ontology media language has irreplaceable creative power, can also see what behind reality, what else to give outside the picture? The appearance of human beings and objects is the exchange of subject and object described by Baudrillard, a never-ending performance, a difficult distinction between true and false, and a gray zone. Perhaps this is our era and stage.
刘宁珊 曹娟
Liu Ningshan Cao Juan
Today, social anxiety seems to be the norm for the modern generation. It is a kind of subjective crisis in the collision of social problems and individual consciousness. Different people have different attitudes and opinions in the face of social interaction, which gives rise to a new term -- social anxiety. Social anxiety refers to the emotional reaction and avoidance behavior of strong anxiety, nervousness or fear about one or more interpersonal situations. In the world, everyone is different, and there is a group of people who have poor social skills. We call them social phobias. We designed it based on our archetype, telling the story of a genderless protagonist who struggles with the constraints of his own behavior and self-contemplation under a physical protective cover.
郁路遥 Yu Luyao
《Make a noise》
Focus on the current group of young people, mainly subcultural youth. Through the investigation of the youth group, the exploration of self-cognition, the collision and combination of identity, self and the current cultural context, the self is used as the material and method, and the image works are constantly deduced and generated. The ideographic purpose of the works is achieved by juxtaposing static pictures and comprehensive materials. This raises the question of how I am constructed and presents the re-shaping of myself in the form of images.
陈子恺 刘姜伟
Chen Zikai Liu Jiangwei
随着时代发展,以及当下快节奏的生活,过往的时光及物品存留在人们的记忆之中,有时记在心里西安 艺术展览馆,有时忘记。这组作品通过静态影像的方式西安 艺术展览馆,记录00后这个年龄段一些过往的时光以及物品。让观看者能够唤醒曾经某个时间段的美好记忆,可能关于某一年,关于某个人,关于某些事,虽然在记忆中已经模糊,但在脑海中,还是会闪现美好的画面,留下的总是美好的,怀念的,也是美好的。
《To Be or Not To Be》
With the development of The Times and the fast pace of life at present, the past time and objects remain in people's memory, sometimes remembered in the heart, sometimes forgotten. This group of works records some past time and objects of the post-00s generation by means of static images. Let the viewer can wake up the good memory of a certain period of time, may be about a certain year, about a certain person, about some things, although in the memory has been fuzzy, but in the mind, or flash a good picture, leaving always good, miss, is also good.
美国参展院校: 旧金山艺术大学
澳大利亚参展院校: 昆士兰艺术学院
日本参展院校: 大阪艺术大学、东京造形大学、日本九州产业大学
韩国参展院校: 中央大学、弘益大学、中部大学、大邱艺术大学、韩国放送艺术教育学院
土耳其参展院校: 萨班哲大学、科克大学
新加坡参展院校: 拉萨尔艺术学院、南洋理工大学
马来西亚参展院校: 拉曼大学学院
泰国参展院校: 兰实大学
印度尼西亚参展院校: 印尼日惹艺术学院
中国台湾地区参展院校: 明道大学
承办单位:西安理工大学艺术与设计学院 、山东工艺美术学院
Agatha Bunanta(印度尼西亚)、Ampannee Satoh(泰国)、Ang Song Nian(新加坡)、敖国兴、白晓丹、戴菲、邓岩、董钧、Eiffel Chong(马来西亚)、Erzan Adam(新加坡)、胡晓阳、吉川直哉(日本)、贾方、矫健、Lachlan Gardiner(澳大利亚)、Laleper Aytek(土耳其)、李小舟、林简娇、刘阳、Nadia Oh Sueh Peng(新加坡)、Oh Soon-Hwa(韩国)、Salleh Japar(新加坡)、沈洁、史民峰、Tan Tay Guan(马来西亚)、Ugrid Jomyin(泰国)、王培蓓、王帅、杨赫、姚璐、张朴、张省会、中里和人(日本)
展览地点: 山东工艺美术学院美术馆
1、作品类型、风格、主题不限,但必须是以一个完整的专题形式呈现,须提供主题阐述、摄影师的近期 形象照 及个人简介200字左右,其他可以提供包括个人联系方式、摄影经历、荣衔资历,重要获奖、摄影感悟等。
2、个人作品集(每组15-30张,文件格式:JPG,图片宽度 大于3840像素 ,或者文件 大于5M ,不得有水印)须有每幅作品的标题或图片内容说明。
3、将以上两组文件打包压缩成RAR或ZIP格式发送网站编辑部,万能邮箱: 。
4、入选作品,将在签约摄影师作品赏析、名家经典等栏目刊登, 其作品也将登记入库,作图片销售代理,优秀作品将推荐人民网、人民摄影报、澎湃新闻等媒体刊发,同时, 将有资格参与中国摄影网十佳摄影师评选 ,入编《中国摄影网》杂志期刊,颁发签约摄影师证书、入展证书。