当前位置:首页 > 投稿 > 物业场地租赁协议|2022版商业办公房屋租赁合同(中英文对照


2023-01-11 01:04:12 发表

丫空间介绍 ·丫空间(www.yaspace.cn),全国性活动内容平台,涉及展览展示、会议、庆祝活动、团建拓展、私人活动、竞技赛事、拍摄等各类活动图文、短视频内容的记录、传播。 ·用户通过丫空间可以浏览、筛选各类活动内容、活动商家、活动资源;商家通过丫空间可以发布、分享场地或业务信息、活动图文、短视频等活动内容进行市场营销。 ,丫空间已汇聚特色场地,虚拟空间,秀场/发布中心:艺术/展览馆,演出场馆。会所/俱乐部,公寓别墅/美趴,商场/步行街,酒店/度假村,影棚/演播厅,体育场馆,户外/广场。婚礼/宴会场地 会议中心,会展中心、剧场/剧院,众创空间/路演,会议室/培训厅,咖啡/书店、酒吧/餐厅、游船/游艇等全国各类场地资源。


第一条 房屋基本情况

Article 1. Basic information of the premises

第二条 房屋租赁成交方式

Article 2 Transaction method of premises lease

第三条 租赁期限及交付

Article 3 Lease Term and delivery

第四条 租金和押金

Article 4 Rent and deposit

第五条 其他相关费用标准及承担方式

Article 5 Other related cost standards and payment methods

第六条 市场主体登记

Article 6 Registration of market entities

第七条 免租期及装修

Article 7 Rent-free period and decoration

第八条 房屋使用及维护

Article 8. Use and maintenance of premises

第九条 转租

Article 9 Sublease

第十条 其他情况

Article 10 Other circumstances

第十一条 合同解除

Article 11. Rescission of contract


第十二条 违约责任

Article 12. Liability for breach

第十三条 送达

Article 13. Service

第十四条 争议解决方式

Article 14. Dispute Settlement

第十五条 其他约定事项

Article 15 Miscellaneous

第十六条 合同生效及特别约定

Article 16 Effectiveness of contract and special agreement


第二条 房屋租赁成交方式

Article 2 Transaction method of premises lease

该房屋租赁通过下列第【 】种方式成交:

The bargain of premises lease is completed through the following method of Article [ ]:

1. 双方当事人自行成交。

1. The parties conclude the transaction themselves.

2. 通过房地产经纪机构服务成交,机构名称:,房地产经纪机构备案证明编号:;房地产经纪从业人员信息卡号:。

2. The transaction is conducted through the service of the brokerage agency of real estate, the name of the agency:, the Record certificate No. of real estate brokerage agency:; the Information card No. of real estate brokerage practitioner: .

第六条 市场主体登记

Article 6 Registration of market entities


The leased premises [can] [cannot] be used as the domicile/address of a market entity such as a registered business legal person or an unincorporated organisation.

承租人有住所/地址登记需求的,出租人应在【合同签订】【房屋交付完成】【 】后日内配合承租人办理登记手续,提供登记所需的应由出租人出具的材料。

Provided that the lessee has a need for residence/address registration, the lessor shall cooperate with the lessee in the registration procedures within [ ] days upon [conclusion of contract] [delivery of the premises] [ ] in addition to provide the documents required for registration which should be issued by the lessor.

承租人使用租赁房屋作为市场主体或非法人组织住所/地址的,应在【退租签订《房屋交接验收确认单》】【 】前办理登记迁出手续。

Provided that the tenant uses the leased premises as the residence/address of a market entity or an unincorporated organization, should register to move out of the premises prior to [signing the Confirmation of the Handover and Acceptance of the Premises] [ ].

第七条 免租期及装修

Article 7 Rent-free period and decoration


(i) Where a rent-free period is agreed between the parties, no rent will be paid by the tenant during the rent-free period.


(b) The lessee shall obtain the lessor’s consent for any renovation of the premises and shall comply with the relevant state’s and city’s regulations and the requirements of the property management.


(c) The lessor shall cooperate in provision of the materials required by the lessee for the renovation permit.


第八条 房屋使用及维护

Article 8. Use and maintenance of premises


(a) The lessor guarantees that the building structure, facilities and equipment of the premises conform to the safety conditions in terms of construction, fire-fighting, security and hygiene, and that the interior decoration conforms to the relevant State’s standards and does not endanger personal safety; the lessee guarantees to comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the State and the city as well as the property management regulations of the building in which the premises is located, to use the premises reasonably and not to change the main body of the building and the load-bearing structure of the premises and to dismantle the interior facilities and equipment without permission.

第十一条 合同解除

Article 11. Rescission of contract


(1) The Contract may be rescinded upon the agreement of the parties through consultation.


(2) Where the contract cannot be continued to perform due to force majeure, the other party shall be notified thereof and this contract will be terminated when the notice reaches the other party.


(3) The other party shall be entitled to rescind the contract if one of the parties has deliberately concealed the material fact or provided false information in connection with the conclusion of the contract.


(d) The lessor has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract if the lessee is unable to use the premises for any of the following reasons other than the lessee’s reason.

1.迟延交付房屋达 日的。

1. Delay in the delivery of the premises more thandays.



2. Rent a premises without authorization.


3. The rental premises violates the relevant laws and regulations of the State’s, the city’s and other mandatory provisions.


4. Failure to undertake the agreed maintenance obligations or to pay the costs which should be borne by the lessor, resulting in the lessee being unable to use the premises properly.


(e) The lessor shall have the right to unilaterally terminate this contract and repossess the premises if the lessee has any of the following circumstances.

1.不按照约定支付租金达 日的。

1. Failure of paying the rent pursuant to the agreement for more thandays.

2.欠缴各类费用达 元的。

2. Arrears in the payment of various fees up toyuan.


3. Sublease the premises without authorization.


4. Change the use of the premises without authorization.



5. Demolition and alteration, damage to the main body of the building, load-bearing structures or unauthorized changes to the internal structure of the premises.


6. Using the premises to engage in activities which are illegal, damage to the public interest, or seriously interfere with the normal work or life of others.

7. 。


(6) Other statutory circumstances of termination of contracts.

(七)合同依法解除的,出租人应在合同解除后 日内退还已收但尚未发生的租金及费用。承租人应当在合同解除后日内搬离。

(7) The lessor shall, upon rescission of the contract in accordance with the law, refund the rent and expenses received but not yet incurred within one day after the termination of the contract. The lessee shall vacate the premises within one day after the termination of the contract.

第十二条 违约责任

Article 12. Liability for breach



(1) The lessor shall pay to the lessee liquidated damages at the rate of % of the monthly rent for its violation of the agreement of Article 6 or the circumstances stated in Article 11(4).

The lessee shall pay the lessor liquidated damages at the rate of % of the monthly rent for the circumstances stated in Article 11(5), and the lessor may require the lessee to restore the premises to the original state or compensate for the corresponding damage.
