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艺术场地出租|北京万科时代中心·望京 | InstinctFabrication本色营造

2023-03-09 07:06:14 发表

丫空间介绍 ·丫空间(www.yaspace.cn),全国性活动内容平台,涉及展览展示、会议、庆祝活动、团建拓展、私人活动、竞技赛事、拍摄等各类活动图文、短视频内容的记录、传播。 ·用户通过丫空间可以浏览、筛选各类活动内容、活动商家、活动资源;商家通过丫空间可以发布、分享场地或业务信息、活动图文、短视频等活动内容进行市场营销。 ,丫空间已汇聚特色场地,虚拟空间,秀场/发布中心:艺术/展览馆,演出场馆。会所/俱乐部,公寓别墅/美趴,商场/步行街,酒店/度假村,影棚/演播厅,体育场馆,户外/广场。婚礼/宴会场地 会议中心,会展中心、剧场/剧院,众创空间/路演,会议室/培训厅,咖啡/书店、酒吧/餐厅、游船/游艇等全国各类场地资源。

望京小街Wangjing Walk▼


万科时代中心·望京VANKE TIMES,Wangjing▼

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前言 Preface


Wangjing Walk &VANKE TIMES atWangjing is anurbanrenovation project that redefined a streetblock mainlyconsistingof twomix-usepropertiesand a formervehicular drivewayin Wangjing, a vivid contemporary district in the northeast corner of Beijing’s metropolitan area. The project was initiated bythedistrict’s governmental entity andVANKE(private developer) , as they recognized the need to revitalize this densely-populated area comprised of a diverse demographic including both local and international residents.

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2017-2020的三年间, 在业主(万科和望京街道)的引领下,我们作为景观设计方和设计协调方,共同见证了望京小街和万科时代中心(原望京国际商业中心)的蜕变历程:从一条杂乱无章无法轻松行走的市政道路,到可遛娃可漫步,交织着商业对话的炫酷步行街;从一个设施陈旧的废弃中庭空间,到磁场般满载着活力与交流的24小时不夜能量中心

As the landscape design consultant and the coordinator leadingmulti-discipline collaboration, Instinct Fabrication has witnessed the process of this renovation through last 3 years with VANKE and the district government. The projects haseventuallyturned a chaotic vehicular street into a pedestrian-friendly shopping street,and turned ableakoffice/retail property into a vibranthyper-programmed plaza.


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望京小街街区空间分布Public Realm in the Project▼



The overall projectconsists ofalinear garden(Phase I, built in 2018) , an enclosed plaza anda pedestrian street. Althougheach of them sharessamevision and overallstrategy,theirdesign processesare slightly different from each other. In this article, we'll walk you throughthe plaza- VANKE TIMES Wangjing.

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Site History


Originally developed in the early2000s, the 5.3-hectaressite has been highly used over the last two decades. Back then, formostresidents andcollege studentsnearby,it was a go-to place formovie,dating, shopping, groceryetc.However, in recent years,its outdated infrastructure and amenitieshad been neglected and the vast inner plaza with merehardscape was notappealing any more to pedestrians, shoppers and residents whose expectation and experience have been updated rapidly.

原望京国际商业中心和华堂商场▼OriginalMix-use Complex

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原内庭空间Original Inner Plaza▼

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TheConcept of "Stage"


The first time we visited the site, a sense of enclosure and being embraced by the buildings inspired us of a concept -"STAGE", where activities/programs take places.People becomeaudience whocould overlookthe stage from the edge/buildings.


The 360°EmbracementMakesthe Plaza a"STAGE"

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The design approach is to create multipleplatforms like such stage in the plaza for people to exhangeviews, tocontemplate, to perform/observeactivities andto celebrate life.

西侧“舞台”STAGE atWest Sunken Plaza▼

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东侧“舞台”STAGE atEastSunkenPlaza ▼

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林荫“舞台”STAGESunder TreeCanopy ▼

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西侧“观众席”AUDIENCE SEATINGatWest Sunken Plaza▼

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东侧“观众席”AUDIENCE SEATINGatEast Sunken Plaza▼

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Landscape design has cooperated with architectural geometry/edges to offer more dynamics for circulation and aesthetics. With avibrant andmoderndesign language, thepixel paving belt is weavingamongentrancesofthe site and the buildings.

总平面图Overall Plan ▼

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APlace to Social &Chill


The concepthas developed intoprograms, circulations,scale and materiality to work with thephysicalenvironmenttodeliverbrand newexprience in an outdoorpublic realm.

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The plaza offers multiple seating options to its diverse users. It alsoprovidesa generous amount of shade from trees and the opportunity to interact with the textures of the ornamental grass and other groundcovers at a human scale.

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In bothsunken plazas, water feature areused to createthe interactionforpeople toexchange theiremotions,to release their energiesand toexperiecemore about nature.

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The west sunken plaza is featured in an interactive music dry fountain. It becomes an energetic stage wherewatergoesup and down in rhythmwithmelodiesin the background, while kids and familyare having continuousfun of interacting with the water.

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In the eastsunken plaza, an outdoor amphitheater is created to offer an event place with a water screen between two pillars. The screen could receive a projection from behind for a movie purpose. It is also a play feature for kids and a display interface for commercials.

水幕(互动模式)Digital Water Curtain▼

水幕(投影模式)Water Screen▼



Life withArt

中心舞台的艺术呈现▼CentralStage as aShowcase of Art

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The flattenedcentral stage is the most generous and flexible spacefor all activities -recreation,festivalevent andretail ceremony. It is notjust a paved area but is also integrated withglasspanelswhich provideskylight during the day and illuminateswith various vividcolors during the night.

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艺术装置-《差翅亚目之目》 艺术家:郑路▼LED Art InstallationbyZheng Lu

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Done by the artist, anLED light installationon east side of the stage is a masterpiecethatabsorbs solar energy and illuminateslikethousands of blinkingeyes at night.

东侧过街连廊The Arcade at East Entrance▼

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连廊概念意向与最终艺术家落地效果The Arcade Before, Concept&After▼

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There is anarcade aseast entrance to the plaza. The originalarcade feelsquiteunfriendly withboldstructural columns,unhuman scale and supressed darkness.It'sa perfect place to have amuseum-like space to paint some artwork on thewall and columns.Following the idea, the artistcreateda panorama ofnatural planting grove.

墙绘艺术作品-《疗愈森林》▼艺术工作室:FAKE Studio 方二,孟瑾Wall Paintingby Fang Er, Meng Jin fromFAKE Studio

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Space for Retail


VANKE TIMES at Wangjinghas established multi-levelretail experience, which offers variousF&B alongwith othercreative workshops,weekendmarket and an exhibitiongallery. Workingwith retail spill out,Landscapestays very sutble and minimal to reserve asmuch space as possible forretails.

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Toprovide betterretailexperienceat thelower level,two glasspanels arecreated on ground leveltoallow moreskylight.It feelsalmostsame asground level in a way itactivates the retailconnection between 2 levels.

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空间的灵活转化 -周末市集Flexible Space -Weekend Market▼

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Two sunken edgesinspireus torevisit how to use thespace along them. Aloop ofwalkway andstadiumseats along the sunken edgeare designedtooffer an overview to activities below.

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The sunken walkway and woodenstadium seatingwrapalong the sunken edgeand the space becomes a nookembraced by severalplanters whichisolate the space from crowds behind.

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ReconnectPeople to City

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Although the project successfully reconciled several issues, perhaps the most successful outcome is its ability to inspire users to engage with the urban landscape.The plaza(VANKE TIMES)is a premier example of how forgotten urban landscapes neglected by rapidly growing metropolises can be redesigned into spaces for people with opportunities to connect and interact with the environment and each other.

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VANKE TIMESat Wangjing has played key rolesfor this whole redevelopment of the street block,whichmakes itpossible toactivate the pedestrian streetbetweentwo mix-use projects and to make thewhole block as an invitingurban destination.

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We'llmove on to Wangjing Walk in ournext article, please stay tuned.



景观设计与设计协调 Instinct Fabrication本色营造

设计团队 楼颖李静怡毛征吴宪武军孙丽娜刘玉凤苏子珺刘升阳

设计周期 2017.6 - 2020.8

委托阶段 概念方案至施工图设计


建筑设计 UV


摄影 河狸景观摄影

艺术作品 郑路,张一鸣,FAKE Studio

Project Name |VANKE TIMES,Wangjing

Client |WangjingStreetSub-District Office, VANKE

Landscape Design &Coordination |Instinct Fabrication

Project Timeline |Jun2017 -Aug 2020

Workscope |AllStages

Landscape Contractor |Tangshan Dongfang HaomenLandscape ConstructionCo. Ltd.

Architecture Design |UVArchitecture

Lighting Consultant |BPI

Photo |HoliLandscapePhotography

Artwork |Annotated inthe article
